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Yin and yang theory symbol png

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However, as time passed by, Raava gradually grew weaker and smaller due to Vaatu's increased influence on the world.Ī few days before the Harmonic Convergence, their practice was interrupted by the smell of smoke, indicating the near presence of humans. For nearly a year, the two trained together, becoming more proficient as a team Wan experienced a rush of power each time Raava passed through him, combining their energies. While journeying to a water and an earth lion turtle to acquire the ability to waterbend and earthbend, Raava enlightened Wan about the ongoing struggle she had with Vaatu, the unbalance between humankind and the spirits, and the importance of the upcoming Harmonic Convergence, which was only a year away. When Raava passed through Wan, she combined their energies and bestowed more power upon him, a precursor to the Avatar State.Īs such, the unlikely duo set out on a quest to restore balance in the world. Despite her initial reluctance, she complied, since working together with Wan was the only hope she had to stop Vaatu from plunging the world into darkness. However, the lion turtle decided that, since no human had ever held more than one element at the same time, Raava was to hold the ability for Wan until he had mastered the skill. As Wan promised to rectify his mistake and stop Vaatu, Raava accompanied him to face the lion turtle where he hoped to receive the power to airbend. After the spirit of chaos took his leave again, a considerably shrunken Raava turned angrily to Wan, chiding him again for his interference. Raava followed Vaatu's trail back to the air lion turtle, where she came to Wan's aid by knocking Vaatu down and brushing aside the spirits he had turned to the dark side. Raava came to the aid of Wan and the people living on an air lion turtle, protecting them from dark spirits. Before she left to track down Vaatu in order to prevent the world's annihilation, she sternly warned Wan to not interfere with her again. She chided Wan for interfering in the business of spirits, blaming him for the world's imminent destruction. She explained who she was and that by helping Vaatu, Wan had let chaos back into the world. Angered, Raava turned to Wan, who believed her to be nothing more than a bully. The moment Raava and Vaatu were separated, she started shrinking, as with the dark spirit on the loose, the light for which she stood began to fade. However, their struggle came to an end in 9,830 BG, when Wan was tricked by Vaatu to sever Raava's hold on him. Raava had been fighting with Vaatu for nearly ten thousand years until Wan separated them in 9,830 BG.Īfter defeating Vaatu during the Harmonic Convergence in 19,829 BG, Raava continuously battled Vaatu, keeping darkness under control and the world in balance. Their action greatly impacted both worlds, allowing their inhabitants to mingle, but ultimately forcing the humans to seek refuge in a few shelters. Īt some point, Raava and Vaatu pierced the barrier between the Spirit World and mortal realm together, locked in battle. She was, however, reborn shortly after and was able to merge again with Korra, restoring the Avatar Spirit and restarting the Avatar Cycle. However, during the next convergence in 171 AG, Raava was extracted from Korra and destroyed, with her connection to Wan and all the Avatars after him lost forever. A year later, during the Harmonic Convergence of 9,829 BG, Raava permanently merged her essence with Wan's, creating the Avatar.

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In 9,830 BG, after her grasp on Vaatu was severed by Wan, Raava was forced to team up with him to defeat the dark spirit. Even if Raava were to destroy Vaatu and usher in a new era of peace, what little darkness existed in Raava would magnify until Vaatu would be reborn and burst forth, beginning the cycle again the reverse would happen to Vaatu if he were victorious over Raava. She and Vaatu, the spirit of darkness and chaos, spent much of their existence combating each other, at least since the Harmonic Convergence in 19,829 BG, with neither able to fully vanquish the other. She is one of the oldest known spirits, having existed over ten thousand lifetimes before the appearance of the first humans.

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April Stewart Image gallery (23) Raava is the spirit of light and peace and, after fusing with Wan, the Avatar Spirit.

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